Devil’s Reject - The Disinhibited Psychopath.

Devil’s Reject - The Disinhibited Psychopath.

He felt a strong blow on his helmet covered head while riding through the city on his bike as he slowed down at a busy junction. Although the hardcover cushioned the blow, since it was not properly strapped to his head, he felt the impact on his neck and the Chinese made substandard helmet broke into pieces forcing him to the recently tarmacked black hard surface.

Identifying the assailant he tried to stand on his feet when a 3 ft long machete made solely for this purpose severed his right foot at his ankle forcing him to the ground. Two more assailants with similar machetes with strong instructions only to injure and subject him to a slow death started hacking him. They meticulously and savagely butchered him taking care not to damage his heart while the busy street flooded with onlookers ran for shelter. It was too gruesome, the two policemen on duty at this junction stood helplessly for a brief moment and quietly slipped away. A single German tourist holding his camera recorded the full incident unnoticed by the assailants or the few onlookers brave enough to witness this Hollywood style episode.

The assailants from the rival group with the bloodstained machetes in their hands showed no hurry to escape from the scene and neither did they try to hide their identities. They walked about 100 meters on the busy main street before hailing a three-wheeler while the old man selling sweep tickets just a few feet away from the incident

fainted inside his kiosk.

A good quarter hour passed before the ambulance arrived to load his body writhing in obvious pain was lifted along with severed legs and arms. The rest of his body dangled helplessly and before the ambulance reached the hospital he was dead.

The morgue had an eerie atmosphere and smell of death. His just widowed wife looked progeric and supported by his much younger looking petite sister in law waited in the corridor for the door to open. His wife was in tears and weeping profusely but, the other woman had a tight face and showed no remorse even though the dead man was her husband's elder brother. Her husband who was a reputed politician, loved by the masses too was gunned down a few years back by an unidentified gunman at a busy junction within the same southern city limits, recently devastated by the tsunami.

When the door opened, his wife along with the other woman in her late thirties and still beautiful with a shapely figure, despite the hardships she faced since her husband's sudden death, entered. The body lying on a concrete bench was covered with a blood-stained white cloth. When it was removed revealing only the face, his wife's wailing was heard at a long distance while the other woman stood straight and stone-faced with no tears. She was not satisfied seeing only the face and politely requested to remove the cloth completely and the man in charge sensing some grease on his palm removed the sheet with a slight protest indicating that it is a favour done in good faith.

His battered torso with a severely crushed head appeared with the totally severed limbs stacked on one side of the body. Satisfied with what she saw a faint smile erupted on her cute face. For a brief moment, she mentally photographed the limbless torso never to delete them from her memory.

Not even a year had passed since the death of her husband when this man entered her house with a parcel of fish and requested her to cook. Her children were in school and she was alone at home. Her dead husband's brother with a totally blemished reputation as an unscrupulous, sadistic womanizer stood facing her no sooner she unsuspecting thanked and laid the parcel on the kitchen table.

The next moment he grabbed her and forced her to the tiled floor. She fought profusely but was soon held down with gruesome force by the strong arms of the assailant. In front of his lifeless body the entire episode was being played in front of her own eyes in slow motion.

He tore her dress apart and was raping her while slapping her on her face and hurting her breast. He bit her nipples like a maniac and with the pain, she went limb. For the next hour or so he raped her violently tearing her vagina while beating her with sadistic brutality. Having accomplished what he desired as a sadist, he stood up and kicked her groin warning her never to resist him. He left and she did not know how long she laid on the floor before struggling to get on her unsteady feet.

She had one strong wish. Since that incident and repeated rapes and beatings that followed, every day before going to bed, she cursed him and wished that he die with severed limbs. She prayed helplessly for his death with revenge. She resisted her strong urge to spit on this lifeless body but wished him to suffer in hell.

Rigor mortis had not set in by the time the video clip reached the relevant government offices via email. A few days later police found the bodies of 4 men who participated in this gruesome murder directly or indirectly, brutally murdered a few km away on a tea estate.

PS: Based on a true story

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